There’s something special about connecting to the past and salvaging it for the future. It explains the abundance of home improvement shows that repurpose bits and pieces of old, neglected and demolished properties, turning them into shining remnants for somebody’s floor, wall or out-building. It explains the millions of viewers, like me, who try and recapture some of that magic for themselves. And it explains the success of Bucks County’s JC Woodworking, This Perkasie-based company supplies vintage wood and building/home products for contractors and home-owners. Co-Owner of the family business, Ricki Chaikin calls it the ‘Lowe’s of 1850’, because they warehouse and sell wood—lots and lots of it in doors, windows and floors. But it’s not the garden variety wood that we have been subject to for decades. It’s 1800s’ vintage—as is the slate, the tubs, the sinks and almost any other objects from the 19th Century that Jay Chaikin can get his passionate hands on. Because if there’s one thing Founder Jay Chaikin is, it’s passionate about the past.
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